Twiddle's The Mole
Episode 1: New York, New York
Ruth: New York City, the starting point of an amazing journey that 8 people are about to take. This is The Mole, a game of deception, mystery, intrigue and lies. The 8 players will compete in various challenges to win money but there is a catch...
Ruth: One of the players is trying to sabotage the others, this person is The Mole, a traitor hidden amongst the group whose identity is unknown. The player who does the best job of tracking this traitor and their sabotages throughout the game will win all the money in the shared group pot, the rest will be eliminated until only one winner and The Mole remain. The question on everyone's mind is, Who is The Mole?
Is it...
Nathan, a 41 year old Police Officer?
Claire, a 25 year old Veterinarian and Charity Worker?
Jamie, a 21 year old Youtuber and Blogger?
Brandon, a 23 year old IT Technician?
Amaya, a 28 year old Librarian?
Holly, a 30 year old Music Store Owner?
Frank, a 56 year old School Bus Driver?
Or Trish, a 45 year old Tax Attorney?
Ruth: Welcome guys and gals to..... The Mole! For the next few weeks you will eat, sleep and crap deception... well, probably not the last one. Anywho, to get you all well acquainted we've set up an awesome team building excercise for your first mission. We call it: The Mole was Here!
Ruth: Your mission (Should you choose to accept it XD) is to search the city for 10 Mole Graffiti tags, yep, you heard me correctly, the Mole has vandalized public property and it's your job to find out where. Every time you find a tag, simply take a picture and you'll earn $1000 for the pot meaning there is $10,000 big ones up for grabs! That's more than what they are paying me! However, for everyone you miss $1000 will go into the Mole's pot. Oh and there is a time limit, you only have an hour to find them all and you gotta be back here before the hour is up so don't go too far. One more thing, you must remain on foot for the duration, no taking the subway people, cuz that's cheating.
Ruth: On your marks, get set.... GO! as in I'm gonna go get a coffee, see you back here in an hour.
Claire: Okay guys, what we gonna do? This is so exciting!
Nathan: I suggest we split up and cover more ground, that way we'll have a better chance of finding all the tags.
Jamie: Coolbeans! Sounds like a plan to me! Let's do this thing bro!
Trish: Do we all go the same way or do we head out in different directions? I hate to break it to you sweetie but the City is huge, How are we going to know exactly where the tags are unless we stumbe across them by accident? This is impossible!
Amaya: If we fan out in a circular motion we'll be less likely to miss any and then we won't be all looking in the same space, it's just common sense.
Frank: Say what now missy? I ain't running in nah circles! I've gots me a bad hip.
Holly: Can we like, get a move on please? Standing about arguing ain't gonna get us no place and we are wasting time.
Frank: Yeah! Less yammering and more action! That's what we dag gawn need!
Brandon: I've been to New York before, I know this place like the back of my hand. I'll head towards the harbour and work my way East, if you aren't that good at directions then stick with me and I'll get you back safe, promise.
Ruth: and away they go, off to find $10,000 of property damage, courtesy of The Mole. I hope there are no lawyers watching...
Holly: I guess you are with me big guy, so, where should we start?
Brandon: I'd suggest sticking close to the city centre, we go too far out and we'll have a hard time making it back. It's like a maze of streets once you get so far, it's easy to get lost. Follow me, I'll show you the way.
Claire: Are you sure this is the way Jamie? The others ran off in a different direction. This is my first time in New York and it's kinda smelly and scary. :(
Jamie: I read the street signs, I know where I'm going, I've played loads of games set in New York, it's easy peasy. We could like speedrun this mission, you just gotta trust me, you trust me, right?
Claire: Well, I've got no reason not to trust you but...
Jamie: Come to think of it, I don't remember there being a fountain here in Lego Marvel's Avengers.
Claire: Aww poop. You keep looking, I'll go look over here...
Claire: Hello there Mr. Pidgey, do you know what it is we are looking for?
Pigeon: Coo! Coo!
Claire: What did you say? Over there by the wall?
Claire: Wow! Thanks Pidgey!
Jamie: What? No way! How the heck did you do that?
Claire: What can I say? I'm a friend to all animals! :3
Nathan: Keep up dude! I'm sure this is the way! My Cop senses are tingling...
Frank: Slow down ya loony! I can't go that fast!
Amaya: Where did those guys go and where the heck am I? Oh for pete's sake, I'm lost! Thanks guys for leaving me behind!
Ruth: Amaya may be lost but with the use of our state-of-the-art GPS trackers we had implanted in their phones, we can see exactly where they are!
Ruth: As you can see, most of them seem to be wandering around aimlessly, some however are on the right track.
Trish: This is stupid, how are we supposed to find anything in a place this big? We'd have been better off taking it slow and searching a block at a time.
Trish: Ah! This looks promising! It'll be nice to take the weight off my feet, If I'd have known we were going to be running about the place I would have worn different shoes.
Trish: You know, I find if you just sit and think...
Trish: *notices the rock* The solution presents itself!
Brandon: *panting* Holly! Please, I gotta stop, we've been running for twenty solid minutes! I feel like I'm gonna faint!
Holly: If I knew you were gonna bitch this much I'd have left you at City Hall!
Brandon: Lemme just catch my breath, I... uh... knew I shouldn't have eaten lunch before coming here. Phew!
Holly: You can sit around here if you want to tubby but I'm gonna at least try and win us some money, I thought you said you were an expert or something? We've been running in feckin' circles!
Brandon: Hey! I've been following you! and... I'm not tubby... am I? :(
Holly: Ugh! Whatever!
Amaya: I'm so not gonna make it back in time, I'm gonna have to stop and ask for directions.
Amaya: Hey! Hello! Excuse me? Can you help me, I'm lost!
Amaya: I don't know how to explain this but I'm in a game and I gotta find these graffiti tags and then head back to City Hall. Have you seen any graffiti that says "The Mole" anywhere?
Sarah: Nope, sorry, can't say I have but I can tell you how to get back to City Hall. Just go up the street, turn right, go through the alleyway, turn left and then go up the stairs, you can't miss it.
Amaya: Thanks! You don't know much you've helped me!
Sarah: Hey, I could give you a ride in my car if you'd like, it'll only take 2 minutes.
Amaya: No thanks, I'll walk.
Nathan: You seen anything yet Frank?
Frank: I ain't seen nothing, I stepped in somethin' nasty back there though.
Nathan: Well, Just keep looking, it can't be that hard surely?
Nathan: Let's try over here, that parking garage looks like there could be some grafitti on it.
Frank: All this running ain't doing nothing for my poor back. I think I'm gonna have to call it quits if we carry on much longer.
Frank: Say, buddy, I gots me an idea. What say you and me take a taxi cab and cover more ground?
Nathan: But that's against the rules isn't it? I dunno Frank...
Frank: It's New York for gawd's sake! You can't come to the Big Apple and not take a ride in a cab, that's what they there for! Besides, my poor back is splitting, feels like my legs gon' be falling off. I needs a rest or I could do myself a injury.
Nathan: Okay, aslong as it's for medical purposes then I suppose we could take a taxi. But not a word of this to the others right?
Frank: Sure thing partner!
Amaya: I really don't like the idea of walking alone down alleyways, even in daylight. :P Maybe I should have accepted the lift from that stranger after all?
Amaya: Then again...
Holly: Looks like a dead end, we are gonna have to head back.
Brandon: That's what I was telling you back there!
Holly: No you didn't! You told me this was the way back to City Hall!
Brandon: Well, sorry, I must have got a bit confused.
Holly: There is one way around this obstacle though...
Brandon: What? The gate is locked, we are never gonna be able to find anyone with the key in time.
Holly: Who said anything about a key? We could just climb the fence?
Brandon: I'm not sure about this Holly, I mean, is this even legal? That sign over there says "No Trespassing"
Holly: Oh, stop being such a wuss! Help me climb on top of this barrel.
Amaya: Excuse me, mam? Can you tell me how to get back to City Hall, I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.
Doris: Oh, You must be one of those Mole people, right?
Amaya: Uh, yeah, how do you know that?
Doris: I've been told to tell you that there's a grafitti tag over on one of those trees.
Amaya: Gee! Thanks!
Amaya: Hmm... this is definetley where that Old lady told me to go...
Amaya: ... but I don't see any signs of The Mole. Unless... That Old lady was The Mole?
Trish: Haha! Another one! I'm getting good at this! XD Who needs teammates when you got awesome lone wolf power? I bet half of them are still running around like a bunch of idiots.
Holly: See? What did I tell you? I knew it was good idea breaking into this place, now we have a better view of the area.
Brandon: I gotta admit, the view is pretty nice up here, good thinking Holly.
Brandon: Hey! Look what I found! Down there on that sign!
Holly: Nice one Big Man, rockin' it!
Jamie: We have about 15 minutes left and we still haven't found anymore Moles.
Claire: I'd rather be finding doggies than Moles, moles ain't my idea of cute, they are just kind of wrinkly.
Jamie: Better start looking harder, I'm gonna be the butt of the joke if I was the only person who didn't find anything #TheMoleSucks
Claire: Speaking of butts, is that one over there on that sign?
Jamie: Haha! What do you know, the Mole is shaking their booty at us. XD
Claire: I don't get it, what's so funny about butts?
Jamie: Don't ass-k me. ;)
Nathan: Can you see anything Frank?
Frank: Nope, not yet. Better go 'round the block again.
Nathan: This is getting us nowhere, I can't see nothing going at this speed. We should have stayed on foot...
Frank: Quit yapping and look over there! Them's those two young 'uns staring at a bunch o' backsides.
Nathan: Aww yeah! They found one! Quick, stop the car!
Nathan: Hey guys, what's going on?
Claire: Hi Nate, we just found a Mole Tag, you have any luck?
Nathan: Naw, not yet. Me and Frank just been driving around the block a couple times.
Frank: Ayy! Cheapskate! Ya gunna help me pay for this Taxi or what?
Jamie: You did what?! You idiots! Didn't you hear what Ruth said? She said we had to stay on foot!
Frank: I do recall what's her face saying somethin' like that now that ya mention it.
Jamie: Not cool dude! You might have just cost us the whole mission, Unsubscribed...
Frank: Un-Sub-What now? What's this about a Sub?
Jamie: It's an expression bro, it means I'm no longer following you...
Frank: Following me? You been stalking me or something?
Trish: Hello guys! We best be getting back to City Hall, time is almost up!
Ruth: Well guys, you finally made it and not a moment too soon, i've almost finished my coffee. However, I notice two of you aren't here and you've only got 4 minutes left.
Amaya: 4 minutes! Where's the ginger guy and the rocker chick?
Trish: This is going to be cutting it close!
Ruth: 3 minutes... actually, it's more like 2 and a half... time is ticking away!
Claire: Come on guys, where are you? If Grumpy buns can make it back then surely you can!
Frank: Who you callin' Grumpy?
Nathan: I'm getting nervous now... or maybe I'm just hungry? Either way, I hope all this weren't for nothing.
Trish: Hold on, I think I can see them over there.
Claire: Come on! Move it! Get along little doggies! What's the hold up?!
Frank: Move it for feck's sake!
Holly: Sorry guys, I'm so sorry, I've been trying to get back but we got a bit side tracked.
Brandon: Holly! Please, wait! I can't run any faster! Don't leave me! God these steps are sooooo steep.
Holly: Shut up and move it poindexter!
Ruth: So, you've made it but were you quick enough?
Holly: Please say we did!
Brandon: Ugh!
Ruth: You made it with 37 seconds to spare!
*everyone cheers*
Ruth: But... there is something we need to discuss.
Trish: Oh no, This can't be good. :(
Ruth: You managed to find 6 of the 10 Graffiti tags within the hour bagging you a cool hard $6000, however, two of you disobeyed the rules so I will deduct $2000 from your total meaning that you've still won a respectable $4000 for the pot! The 4 unfound tags means that $4000 will go straight into the Mole's pot. I'm sure you'll have much to talk about back at Mole HQ, I'll see you tomorrow for your next mission. Have a good night folks!
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